May 24, 2010

a dress in the making (part III)

Today Patricia took me to visit Doña Juliana to take my dress measurements. Doña Juliana is the seamstress who has become quite popular for making folkloric dresses. Supposedly it is she who makes all of the costumes for the professional dance group that Patricia is a part of. You wouldn't know how to find her house unless you had some good directions, or someone to take you there. It looks like any other from the outside, and there is no sign posted offering her services as a seamstress, just a list of vegetables and other foods for sale.

She measured me in about 5 places, we discussed the design of the "vuelo", the bib-like flap that hangs around the neck, and I passed over my 8 yards of material and ribbon. Total cost for her to make the dress: 170 cordobas = $8.50.

Patricia said we had to give her a short deadline because she only works under pressure, so she told her I am leaving the country on June 15th. Apparently Patricia gave her material to make a dress and it stayed at her house for 7 years before she finally made it!

Now I just need to learn a choreographed dance so I can perform when I get back to the states!

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